What blood tests should one take every year to prevent medical problems?

A blood test, which is just a 'little pinch" for you is a lot complex than that. In a blood test, first, a blood sample undergoes a series of chemical processes to prepare for testing.

You wouldn't know that there are more than 100 types of blood tests. Blood is the trajectory through which the organs of our body are connected and all the important nutrients, oxygen, and water, etc. are transferred to these organs. It also distributes oxygen to the whole body and removes waste. Blood is one of the most vital and crucial units of the body. So, we must make sure that our body is healthy and free of any disease or threat of one by making sure to take blood tests every year.

With technological development, diagnostic blood tests are now automated to a rate of 3,600 tests per hour.

Blood tests are vital and an abundant source of information regarding the body. Blood test tells a lot about the present condition of your body and aids in coming to the conclusion of the right problem and formulating the right plan of action afterward.

So, there is no harm in taking blood tests at regular intervals to keep in check with your body rather than only in the case of any illness.

The results of the blood tests also help you to modify your lifestyle accordingly to maintain good health.

How often should I take a blood test?

Though it is recommended to take an annual test though, should increase the time interval if needed in case of any long time disease, or with age.

Why do you need a blood test?

A blood test is a very intensive test and picks up the most minor changes in your body. So, any chance of an unfavorable condition can be caught before it turns into a problem.

Not only it helps in preventing and curing the issue but also gives you pointers eve before a problem occurs.

Essential blood tests you should take every year-

Blood thyroid panel

This is to check how the thyroid is functioning and levels of production.

One or two thyroid markers are often evaluated in primary checkups like TSH and T4 but this might not be enough. There are an additional 6 thyroid-related values should also be evaluated through an extensive blood test. These are Free T4, Total T3, Free T3, Reverse T3, anti-TPO, and anti-Thyroglobium.

These values should be optimal if not follow consultation.

The thyroid can be very disastrous and can even lead to miscarriages.

Essential nutrients test

Nutrients like vitamins, minerals, acids are very important for our body, and deficiency or excess of any one or few can be fatal. Iron, vitamin Bb12, magnesium, and vitamin D are very essential for the proper functioning of the body. But levels of these are not generally checked so go ahead and take measures to get the levels of all necessary nutrients checked. Follow supplementation if needed.


Complete blood count

CBC (complete blood count) analyzes the levels of important components of blood like red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit.

This test is important to find electrolyte and hydration conditions, kidney health, blood cells, liver status. Also, an indication of any chronic infection, clotting, or anemia is given through the test.


Complete Metabolic Panel

This test is to check on the levels of the following compounds in the blood:

·     Electrolytes

·     Calcium

·     Glucose

·     Sodium

·     Potassium

·     Carbon dioxide

·     Chloride

·     Blood urea nitrogen

·     Creatinine

·     Albumin

·     Bilirubin

·     Aspartate aminotransferase

·     Total protein

The results of these tests can indicate any kidney diseases, hormonal imbalance, and diabetes. Many other conclusions are drawn from the test of this result like hepatitis, gallbladder inflammation, bile duct, etc.


Inflammatory marker test

These tests are inflammatory markers and not commonly conducted but not optimal if ignored. Imp. Ones are hsCRP and homocysteine

An increase in any one of these is related to cardiac dysfunction, depression, stroke, oxidative stress, allergy, and sensitivities.


Lipid panel

This test is to check the levels of two types of cholesterols.

High-density lipoprotein i.e. good cholesterol

Low-density lipoprotein i.e. bad cholesterol

Low-density cholesterol can cause plaque and bocks n arteries increasing the risk of heart diseases


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